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Marching on

Welcome March and the beginning of Spring! The month starts with St David's Day so we're marking it with a Welsh tune. It's called "Morfa'r frenhines" which we (not being fluent in the language) understood to mean "The Queen's march". That seemed odd as it's a waltz but it's a good tune and we like playing it.  But now we stand corrected.  Morfa doesn't mean march at all! A Welsh morfa is a saltmarsh, just like ours here in Grange. So maybe The Sands Band becomes Band Morfa if we travel south and over the border? Click on the video to hear the tune.
Recent posts

A Spring ceilidh

We're optimists in the Sands Band and we think the end of February is (well, almost) the beginning of Spring!  So come and join us for a Spring ceilidh on Friday 28 February at Grange Methodist Church, 6:30 to 9:00pm.  Light refreshments will be provided.  No tickets and no set charge – donations welcome.  All dances will be called; no experience or partner needed, just a willingness to have fun, join in or simply enjoy listening to the music . Grange Methodist Church is a brilliant venue for ceilidhs and loads of other events, right in the town centre.  Sadly, the building is in need of major renovations and these are not cheap.  So the proceeds from this ceilidh will go towards the church's "Open for Community" building redevelopment fund.  Please be generous.  Dance, have fun - and GiftAid your donation if you can! 

In January comes the snow

Yes it did, even in Grange-over-Sands!  It was a slippery start to the year but our musical agenda is in good shape.  Our first 2025 gig is a charity ceilidh on Saturday 25 January at Aldingham Parish Hall  LA12 0PF, 7.00 p.m.  There will a Scottish flavour to the music to mark the 266th birthday of a certain Mr Burns.  But no bagpipes, haggis or poetry. So come along for a fun evening, and in the words of a popular folk tune we will: "Drive the cold winter away"!!

Christmas is coming

That's what one of our Christmas songs says, and it's true!  The Band is busy bringing Christmas cheer to Grange-over-Sands and round about - and to you too if you are able to join us.  Dates for your diary: Wednesday 11 December, 10.00-11.00 at the Fell Church, Grange Fell Road,  LA11 6AN Saturday 21 December, 11.00-13.00 at Levens Hall, near Kendal, LA8 0PD If you are lucky enough to be a member of Grange U3A you can also hear the Band at the Grange U3A monthly meeting, on Tuesday 17 December at 10.15 a.m. in the Victoria Hall, Grange-over-Sands. We shall be decked out in our Christmas jumpers.  Spoiler alert - see the photo!  We look forward to admiring yours too.
We're really excited to be playing for two birthday parties this month!  A ceilidh is a brilliant way to celebrate with family and friends of all ages.  You don't have to know how to do the dances as our caller explains it all and calls out the steps as you go along. We love it! So happy November birthday everyone - we look forward to bringing our music to your parties.  

Come to a ceilidh in Cartmel

 Good news!  You are all invited to a ceilidh in Cartmel Village Hall on Saturday 26 October.  Dancing starts at 7.00 p.m.  The Sands Band will be playing, with our brilliant caller Dave.  You don't need any experience - just come along and enjoy it. Proceeds from the ceilidh will go towards campaigning against female genital mutilation in rural Kenya.  It's a really important cause so please join us in supporting this work. Tickets are only £10 and you can buy them on the door.  If you have any queries or need more information please ring Cath Holland on 07796-121226. We look forward to seeing you on 26th!

New look!

Thanks to the fantastic needlework skills of Alison and Carol the Band now has a new look.  Our smart new waistcoats pick up the turquoise blue and green of the sea and if you look carefully you can see the fish swimming through.  It is a great reminder of the Sands (of Morecambe Bay) in our Band name and of our beautiful location here in Grange.   Come to one of our gigs to see our new outfits for real.  Next up in the diary is a charity ceilidh with caller Dave, on the evening of Saturday 26th October in Cartmel Village Hall.